Retrocade Classic Edition Game

Part # 95-2353-00

Item number 95-2353-00 is not available for sale.

  • Centipede, Millipede and Missile Command back together in one cabinet.  
  • Players are transported back to the early 1980's to stop the marauding insect invasions of Centipede and Millipede or prevent total world annihilation in the Cold War classic game Armageddon, Missile Command .  
  • Also included is a bowling game called Let's Go Bowling.  
  • Four great games in one convenient cabinet.  
  • Centipede: Fast moving action includes a variety of creatures dropping down from the top of the screen or flying in from the sides to attack the player..  
  • Millipede: The game action takes place on a playfield filled with mushrooms, flowers and deadly DDT bombs. The player tries to destroy a variety of insects that drop from the top or the sides of the screen. The object of the game is to shoot and destroy as many objects as possible for a high point score..  
  • Missile Command: Armageddon style war in which players defend their bases and cities with antiballistic missiles (ABMs). The enemy launches incoming waves of attack missiles from fast moving bombers and satellites.

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